Site Info
What is this?
This site is where we will put interesting (at least, we think so) events and pictures to share with others. Please see the list of site links to the left with links to other pages. I will try to update it with links to new pages. Please note that sometimes I create pages and then delete them.
About Picasa Photos and YouTube Videos
I use Picasa for photos and YouTube for videos. In both cases, if you click on the item you will be taken to the respective web sites that host the actual files. From there you can view the photos and videos in higher resolutions, download the photos, and other things. Please note that YouTube will add links to what it thinks are related videos. These are not videos of our family, although they could be videos of other people named "Thomas" or "Tally"!
What else can you do?
This site is hosted by Google Apps and for the domain, which we own. You can create a Google account, after which you can subscribe to changes to these pages, add comments, and other things. This is the best way to be notified of changes so that you needn't have to revisit this site to see if anything has changed. If you'd like to be able to do that, just CONTACT US .
417shaws.COM email
Email is pretty much free everywhere these days, but there are some advantages to owning your own domain. Addresses are simpler and easier to remember, and you can keep your address even if you move email "providers", e.g., if you transfer your email from At&T to Google. We can set up email addresses at and you can use Google as the email provider, which currently allows over 7 GB of storage. Email can also be forwarded or retrieved to and from other providers. Let me know if you're interested